(+61) 0403 117 923 clare@btpa.org.au

BTPA’s 2023 Annual Report

We are delighted to present our 2023 Annual Report. In this edition: Our Vision, Mission and Plan Financial Report (22-23) How we are working towards our 3 major goals: To support Bahay Tuluyan to provide direct, practical benefit to children, youth, families and...

Christmas Groceries

Help a family in need this Christmas. Make a $25 tax deductible donation so a family can receive a hamper of Christmas groceries. If you are donating on behalf of someone else, email Anne – anne@btpa.org.au – and request a voucher.

Reaching Rainbows

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. At BT we have big dreams about a world that is safe and happy for all children. This Giving Tuesday we are inviting you to be a part of that dream. Give in whatever way you can. Show your support...

Mangoes 2023

Our Mango Drive is now collecting orders. These are premium Bowen Mangoes straight from the farm. Please note that they are smaller boxes (4.5kg) than last year due to a much smaller crop. Demand for mangoes will be high this year. Orders close 22nd October...