(+61) 0403 117 923 clare@btpa.org.au


Education 2

We are so excited to be hosting a 2016 immersion for teachers. The 10 day trip to the Philippines is an amazing opportunity to really learn about poverty, justice and children’s rights. The teachers who have been on past trips return to school inspired to inspire their students. They have practical ideas for how to teach social justice and their stories and photos bring the ideas to life. The entire tour is facilitated by Catherine Scerri, an Australian who has been at Bahay Tuluyan for more than 13 years.

There is an information night on Wednesday 3rd August. If you miss that, please contact clare@aus.bahaytuluyan.org to find out if there are still vacancies.

The 2016 trip is during the September school holidays.

For full details, click here.