by Anne Hibbert | Jul 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Help Bahay Tuluyan raise much needed funds to become a self-sustaining organisation. With the help of donors, we will establish a farm with the vision of growing rice and vegetables, ultimately enabling Bahay Tuluyan to be self-supporting. Our young adults will be...
by Anne Hibbert | Jul 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
Our Training Day will be on Sunday 12th July, 2pm, at 21 Cooper St Essendon. We encourage all volunteers, experienced and new, to attend at the workshops have undergone a revamp! Please RSVP to Anne –
by Anne Hibbert | Jul 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
We are still in great need of volunteers to help make KidsView 2015 a success. If you are able to speak passionately about social justice and facilitate a small workshop, then we would love your help! We provide training and all the resources and support. For more...