(+61) 0403 117 923 clare@btpa.org.au

Enjoy our newsletter!

Enjoy our bumper edition of our December BT newsletter. It is full of stories – stories of change, achievement, progress, injustice and challenges. It is all part of our mission to stand up for the rights of all children! We hope you take the time to see what we...

Nativity Sets

Our beautiful, wooden, hand-carved nativity sets are available for sale. There are eleven pieces (Mary, Joseph, Jesus, manger, three Kings, Shepherd, three sheep) in the set. They are made by a community in the Philippines – which provides income for the entire...

Still Christmas Shopping?

Looking for a great Christmas gift? Make a donation to BTPA and we will give you a card to pass on saying that a donation has been made in their name. The donation can be of any size (every dollar counts!) and can be for the general support of BTPA or for a specific...