(+61) 0403 117 923 clare@btpa.org.au

Auditor Required

BTPA requires a new auditor to audit our finances once a year. With our commitment to keeping our overheads to an absolute minimum, we would be very grateful if someone was willing to take this on pro bono or for a small fee. Our treasurer, Mona, does an excellent job...

Wanted: BTPA Secretary

      BTPA is looking for a volunteer who can commit to approximately 8 meetings a year and manage the secretarial responsibilities of the organisation. The role is mostly administrative based and involves ensuring that BTPA is adhering to all its legal...

  We have just opened bookings for KidsView 2014 and are excited to book in 25 schools this week – 10 of them for the first time. Please share our information with your school to ensure you secure a spot for KidsView 2014. KidsView
Nelson Mandela Movie Night raises over $1000

Nelson Mandela Movie Night raises over $1000

Last night at Nova Cinemas, Carlton we hosted a Movie night as a fundraiser. An entire cinema was booked out by our great supporters keen to get their hands on the complimentary lolly bag and see the film. This evening raised over $1000 – a fantastic result!...